July is over, and the summer holidays are in full swing. After another busy month I am feeling pretty great about what the future holds, and some of the exciting things we have lined up at Jack Baker Art. But more on that at a later date!
Sales are coming in
Our website is a little over a month old now, and with the art shop up and running the first orders of art prints are coming in. I was very anxious about opening up a shop, with the little voice in the back of my head telling me it was too early, or no one would like my art. But as it would seem, that wasn’t completely right. This is what fills me with excitement for the future and the projects I am working on.
Paintings made in July
I know this is the bit you are here for. Hell, this is the bit I’m here for! After the whirlwind that was last month, I decided that sticking to a schedule of two paintings a month for my project was definitely an obtainable task. I didn’t quite realise then how much of a challenge this might be, however. I had a tough month full with work, meaning getting to personal art was hard enough as it was, let alone the second painting of the month taking me around 30hours to get to completion. Perhaps in August I will make the art a little simpler. Nah that’s a lie, I will work myself to the bone as usual!
That being said, I managed to complete my two pieces, and I am happy to introduce Lili and Ena.
Lili - Lady of Death
Ena - Lady of Grandeur
I already have plans for the first painting of August and I hope to make a start on that in the next day or two.
During July I also completed two book covers, as well as two character illustrations for an upcoming tabletop RPG. The two character designs were particularly fun because they were pretty much inline with what I enjoy doing in my personal work. Plus the client gave me a lot of artistic freedom meaning I could really immerse myself into the work.
A huge personal achievement
Some of you may know the website DeviantArt. And some of you may even know about their Daily Deviation award. The curators select the best few art pieces from the day to give an award to, and basically spotlight the art in front of the community. Well, after many years of trying I was finally given the award for my painting Abuto, and I couldn’t be happier. To say it made my day is an understatement.
Now I just have to wait 6 months to try and get another one!
Trying to keep active
Something that seems to be a common trend amongst artists, or people who work desk jobs in general, is back problems and pains. I am sat working for long periods at a time, and over recent months I have started developing some pains in my lower back, as well as just generally being unfit. So in an attempt to combat this I decided to get into cycling. I bought myself a new bike as my last was getting pretty worn out, plus it was a good way to encourage me to keep it up. I have been cycling about 5 miles at a time, but I’m planning on upping that soon as I find myself getting fitter. I’ve also noticed it gives me some nice time to think up new ideas or find inspiration for new art.
I know that isn’t necessarily art related, but your health is always important, and should always come first!
Summer art sale
We are currently running a site wide sale, offering 20% discount across the entire range of our art and art merchandise. This is an opportunity for you to pick up some of our awesome products at a discounted price. No need for discount codes, or any other shenanigans, it is already discounted for you. Plus, worldwide shipping. We have just launched Lili prints, so why not pick up one today?